Perhaps, but, I doubt it. In 95 I was 23 years old and 6'2" 230lb. Only thing I was scared of was women, LOL.And I'd bet he would be able to convince you!
Ah, was the love was everywhere apparently. LOL- love child, eh! That really must have been the talk of the street
Funny, I never called either one dad, the one whose name I bare, or the one whose seed I came from. My parents did divorce their first spouses and marry before I was old enough to know.. TBH, I didn't even know the story till I was about 19 and mom was already dead and gone from cancer. Pop's just past last year, we never spoke much after he threw my stuff out the back door and changed the locks while I was at work one day. That was when I was 19. Time to go I guess.